
Why Your Business Needs a Tone of Voice Document

Tone of Voice and Business Growth? 

When it comes to building a successful business, there are many factors to consider. 

From developing a solid business strategy and marketing plan, to maximizing your SEO efforts, every aspect of your business is important. 

However, one element that is often overlooked is the tone of voice that you use when communicating with your customers and stakeholders.

What is a TOV Document?

A tone of voice document is a written guide that outlines the tone and language that your business should use when communicating with others. 

This includes things like the tone of your website copy, social media posts, email communications, and more.

Having a clear and consistent tone of voice is crucial for any business. It helps to establish trust and credibility with your audience, and can also help to differentiate you from your competitors. 

How Does a TOV Save me Money? 

A tone of voice document can also help to ensure that all of your communications are aligned with your brand's overall messaging and values.

In addition to the benefits for your customers, a tone of voice document can also be helpful for your business as a whole. It can help to ensure that your team or contractors are  on the same page when it comes to communication, and can also make it easier to train new employees on your brand's messaging and tone.

Alignment on Tone of Voice reduces wasted time in revisions. 

How does a TOV make me more money ? 

When it comes to your marketing or advertising efforts, a tone of voice document can also be incredibly useful. 

It can help to guide your content creation and ensure that all of your marketing materials are consistent and in line with your brand. 

This can also be especially important when it comes to SEO, as Google's algorithms prioritize websites that have a clear and consistent tone of voice.

Whats some basic ingredients to a TOV document 

  1. Purpose: The purpose of the document should be clearly stated and should outline the reasons for creating a Tone of Voice document and how it will be used.
  2. Audience: The document should clearly define the target audience for the tone of voice and consider their needs, preferences, and expectations.
  3. Brand values: The document should define the brand values that should be reflected in the tone of voice and how they should be communicated.
  4. Tone of Voice guidelines: The document should provide specific guidelines on how the tone of voice should be used in different contexts, such as social media, email, and customer service. These guidelines should include examples of appropriate and inappropriate language, tone, and style.
  5. Yes words and no words: The document should provide a list of words and phrases that are aligned with the brand's tone of voice and a list of words and phrases that should be avoided.
  6. CTA: - Approved Call's to action.
  7. Brand key words: The document should include a list of key words and phrases that are associated with the brand and should be used consistently in all communication.
  8. Consistency: The document should emphasize the importance of consistency in the tone of voice and provide guidelines on how to maintain a consistent tone across all communication channels.
  9. Review and updating: The document should outline a process for reviewing and updating the tone of voice guidelines to ensure that they remain relevant and effective.
  10. Training and communication: The document should provide guidance on how to communicate the tone of voice guidelines to employees and ensure that they are properly trained on how to use the tone of voice in their communication.

Need Help formalising what's in your head?

So, if you're looking to optimise  your business, we highly recommend creating a tone of voice document. 

It may seem like a small step, but it can have a big impact on the success of your business. And if you're struggling to define your business's tone of voice, our team of business development experts can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with building and growing your business.

Click here to Contact our team today. 


min read

Why Your Business Needs a Tone of Voice Document

Tone of Voice and Business Growth? 

When it comes to building a successful business, there are many factors to consider. 

From developing a solid business strategy and marketing plan, to maximizing your SEO efforts, every aspect of your business is important. 

However, one element that is often overlooked is the tone of voice that you use when communicating with your customers and stakeholders.

What is a TOV Document?

A tone of voice document is a written guide that outlines the tone and language that your business should use when communicating with others. 

This includes things like the tone of your website copy, social media posts, email communications, and more.

Having a clear and consistent tone of voice is crucial for any business. It helps to establish trust and credibility with your audience, and can also help to differentiate you from your competitors. 

How Does a TOV Save me Money? 

A tone of voice document can also help to ensure that all of your communications are aligned with your brand's overall messaging and values.

In addition to the benefits for your customers, a tone of voice document can also be helpful for your business as a whole. It can help to ensure that your team or contractors are  on the same page when it comes to communication, and can also make it easier to train new employees on your brand's messaging and tone.

Alignment on Tone of Voice reduces wasted time in revisions. 

How does a TOV make me more money ? 

When it comes to your marketing or advertising efforts, a tone of voice document can also be incredibly useful. 

It can help to guide your content creation and ensure that all of your marketing materials are consistent and in line with your brand. 

This can also be especially important when it comes to SEO, as Google's algorithms prioritize websites that have a clear and consistent tone of voice.

Whats some basic ingredients to a TOV document 

  1. Purpose: The purpose of the document should be clearly stated and should outline the reasons for creating a Tone of Voice document and how it will be used.
  2. Audience: The document should clearly define the target audience for the tone of voice and consider their needs, preferences, and expectations.
  3. Brand values: The document should define the brand values that should be reflected in the tone of voice and how they should be communicated.
  4. Tone of Voice guidelines: The document should provide specific guidelines on how the tone of voice should be used in different contexts, such as social media, email, and customer service. These guidelines should include examples of appropriate and inappropriate language, tone, and style.
  5. Yes words and no words: The document should provide a list of words and phrases that are aligned with the brand's tone of voice and a list of words and phrases that should be avoided.
  6. CTA: - Approved Call's to action.
  7. Brand key words: The document should include a list of key words and phrases that are associated with the brand and should be used consistently in all communication.
  8. Consistency: The document should emphasize the importance of consistency in the tone of voice and provide guidelines on how to maintain a consistent tone across all communication channels.
  9. Review and updating: The document should outline a process for reviewing and updating the tone of voice guidelines to ensure that they remain relevant and effective.
  10. Training and communication: The document should provide guidance on how to communicate the tone of voice guidelines to employees and ensure that they are properly trained on how to use the tone of voice in their communication.

Need Help formalising what's in your head?

So, if you're looking to optimise  your business, we highly recommend creating a tone of voice document. 

It may seem like a small step, but it can have a big impact on the success of your business. And if you're struggling to define your business's tone of voice, our team of business development experts can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with building and growing your business.

Click here to Contact our team today. 


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