
Certification... Don't be led down the garden path of international manufacturing.

I don't want to end up like H&M, Zara, Kim Kardashian.

We have all seen the news and know they were taking the P### when they claimed to be finally doing the right thing. How do you avoid a PR nightmare. Be Aware.

There are a number of organizations and certifications that can help businesses navigate the complexities of supply chain management and ensure that their operations are environmentally sustainable. Here are some examples:

What is Gots? 

GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) is an internationally recognized certification for organic fibres and textiles. It is a standard that defines the requirements for producing, processing, manufacturing, and labelling organic textiles. To be GOTS certified, a product must contain at least 70% organic fibres and be produced using environmentally and socially responsible methods. This includes using natural, organic, and non-toxic inputs and meeting strict labour and safety standards. GOTS certification is widely recognized as the leading standard for organic textiles and is often used by consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products meet specific criteria for sustainability and ethical production.

What about wood, who keep thats protected worldwide?

The (FSC) Forest Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization that promotes responsible forestry practices worldwide. It operates a certification system that verifies that products made from wood and other forest-based materials come from well-managed forests that meet specific environmental and social standards. 

To be FSC certified, a product must meet specific criteria for responsible forestry, including protecting the rights of indigenous communities, conserving biodiversity, and minimizing adverse environmental impacts. FSC certification is widely recognized as a way for consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products are from sustainably managed forests. It is also becoming increasingly important for governments and organizations looking to promote responsible forestry practices and protect the world's forests.

What is the Global recycling standard?

The Global Recycling Standard (GRS) is an internationally recognized certification system that verifies a product's recycled content and traceability in the supply chain. It is evolved and administered by the Global Recycling Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes the benefits of recycling and the circular economy. The GRS is designed to provide a consistent and transparent system for evaluating the recycled content of a product, as well as the traceability of the recycled materials used in the product sourcing process. To be GRS certified, a product must meet specific minimum requirements for recycled content and traceability and must also be produced using environmentally and socially responsible methods. GRS certification is increasingly being used by consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products meet specific standards for sustainability and environmental responsibility in the supply chain and during the product sourcing process. It is also becoming an essential tool for governments and organizations looking to promote the use of recycled materials and the circular economy.

What is Oeko-Tex?

Oeko-Tex is a global certification system that evaluates the safety of textiles and apparel products concerning human health. It is a third-party certification system recognized and accepted by brands, retailers, and consumers worldwide.

To be Oeko-Tex certified, a product must meet specific strict criteria for harmful substances, including chemicals, dyes, and other inputs that may be used during the manufacturing process. 

Oeko-Tex certification is based on a series of international standards designed to ensure that textiles and apparel products are safe for human use and do not pose any health risks.

Oeko-Tex certification is essential for ensuring the safety and sustainability of textiles and apparel products in the supply chain and during the product sourcing process. It is widely recognized as a reliable indicator of product safety and is often used by consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products meet specific standards for environmental responsibility and human health.

What is ISO 14001? 

ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems (EMS) in classifying manufacturing and manufacturers' impacts on the environment. 

It is designed to help organizations ensure that their operations and activities are environmentally sustainable and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

The standard establishes a framework for organizations to identify, prevent, and mitigate the environmental impacts of their operations and activities. It also requires organizations to set environmental goals and objectives and to monitor and measure their progress in achieving those goals.

ISO 14001 certification is widely recognized as a way for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability in the supply chain, international manufacturing and product sourcing process. Obtaining ISO 14001 certification involves undergoing a thorough assessment by an independent third party, verifying that an organization's EMS meets the standard's requirements.

Who is the governing body for Environmental Protection in China?

The ( MEP ) Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China is a government agency responsible for protecting China's environment and natural resources. It is responsible for setting and enforcing environmental regulations, as well as promoting environmental sustainability in the supply chain.

China is the world's largest manufacturing port, producing over 21% of the world's total manufacturing output. In comparison, the United States, the second-largest manufacturer, produces only about 12% of the world's total output. As such, it is important for the MEP to ensure that the country's manufacturing activities are environmentally sustainable and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

You have heard of the EPA?

In the United States, the equivalent of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People's Republic of China is the (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency . The EPA is a federal agency responsible for protecting the environment and human health by setting and enforcing environmental regulations. It is responsible for a wide range of environmental protection activities, including regulating air and water pollution, hazardous waste management, and the use of pesticides and other chemicals. The EPA works to protect the environment and human health through a variety of programs and initiatives, including setting and enforcing environmental regulations, providing grants and funding to states and local governments, and partnering with other organizations and stakeholders to promote environmental sustainability.

How do I use these standards and certs for my business? 

It doesn't matter which port, though, for China, try to ensure your Manufacturer meets the standards enforced by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People's Republic of China; consumers and businesses can look for products certified by the MEP or other recognized certification bodies. 

For example, the MEP operates several voluntary certification programs, such as the China Environmental Labelling Program, which certifies products that meet specific environmental performance standards.

In the United States, consumers and businesses can look for products that are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or other recognized certification bodies. The EPA operates many certification programs, such as the Energy Star program, which certifies products that meet specific energy efficiency standards, and the WaterSense program, which certifies products that use water efficiently.

If this is sounding like either your up for the fight or need a helping hand please leave your details and one of our product stewards will be in touch shortly.


min read

Certification... Don't be led down the garden path of international manufacturing.

I don't want to end up like H&M, Zara, Kim Kardashian.

We have all seen the news and know they were taking the P### when they claimed to be finally doing the right thing. How do you avoid a PR nightmare. Be Aware.

There are a number of organizations and certifications that can help businesses navigate the complexities of supply chain management and ensure that their operations are environmentally sustainable. Here are some examples:

What is Gots? 

GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) is an internationally recognized certification for organic fibres and textiles. It is a standard that defines the requirements for producing, processing, manufacturing, and labelling organic textiles. To be GOTS certified, a product must contain at least 70% organic fibres and be produced using environmentally and socially responsible methods. This includes using natural, organic, and non-toxic inputs and meeting strict labour and safety standards. GOTS certification is widely recognized as the leading standard for organic textiles and is often used by consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products meet specific criteria for sustainability and ethical production.

What about wood, who keep thats protected worldwide?

The (FSC) Forest Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization that promotes responsible forestry practices worldwide. It operates a certification system that verifies that products made from wood and other forest-based materials come from well-managed forests that meet specific environmental and social standards. 

To be FSC certified, a product must meet specific criteria for responsible forestry, including protecting the rights of indigenous communities, conserving biodiversity, and minimizing adverse environmental impacts. FSC certification is widely recognized as a way for consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products are from sustainably managed forests. It is also becoming increasingly important for governments and organizations looking to promote responsible forestry practices and protect the world's forests.

What is the Global recycling standard?

The Global Recycling Standard (GRS) is an internationally recognized certification system that verifies a product's recycled content and traceability in the supply chain. It is evolved and administered by the Global Recycling Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes the benefits of recycling and the circular economy. The GRS is designed to provide a consistent and transparent system for evaluating the recycled content of a product, as well as the traceability of the recycled materials used in the product sourcing process. To be GRS certified, a product must meet specific minimum requirements for recycled content and traceability and must also be produced using environmentally and socially responsible methods. GRS certification is increasingly being used by consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products meet specific standards for sustainability and environmental responsibility in the supply chain and during the product sourcing process. It is also becoming an essential tool for governments and organizations looking to promote the use of recycled materials and the circular economy.

What is Oeko-Tex?

Oeko-Tex is a global certification system that evaluates the safety of textiles and apparel products concerning human health. It is a third-party certification system recognized and accepted by brands, retailers, and consumers worldwide.

To be Oeko-Tex certified, a product must meet specific strict criteria for harmful substances, including chemicals, dyes, and other inputs that may be used during the manufacturing process. 

Oeko-Tex certification is based on a series of international standards designed to ensure that textiles and apparel products are safe for human use and do not pose any health risks.

Oeko-Tex certification is essential for ensuring the safety and sustainability of textiles and apparel products in the supply chain and during the product sourcing process. It is widely recognized as a reliable indicator of product safety and is often used by consumers, retailers, and brands to ensure that their products meet specific standards for environmental responsibility and human health.

What is ISO 14001? 

ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems (EMS) in classifying manufacturing and manufacturers' impacts on the environment. 

It is designed to help organizations ensure that their operations and activities are environmentally sustainable and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

The standard establishes a framework for organizations to identify, prevent, and mitigate the environmental impacts of their operations and activities. It also requires organizations to set environmental goals and objectives and to monitor and measure their progress in achieving those goals.

ISO 14001 certification is widely recognized as a way for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability in the supply chain, international manufacturing and product sourcing process. Obtaining ISO 14001 certification involves undergoing a thorough assessment by an independent third party, verifying that an organization's EMS meets the standard's requirements.

Who is the governing body for Environmental Protection in China?

The ( MEP ) Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China is a government agency responsible for protecting China's environment and natural resources. It is responsible for setting and enforcing environmental regulations, as well as promoting environmental sustainability in the supply chain.

China is the world's largest manufacturing port, producing over 21% of the world's total manufacturing output. In comparison, the United States, the second-largest manufacturer, produces only about 12% of the world's total output. As such, it is important for the MEP to ensure that the country's manufacturing activities are environmentally sustainable and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

You have heard of the EPA?

In the United States, the equivalent of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People's Republic of China is the (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency . The EPA is a federal agency responsible for protecting the environment and human health by setting and enforcing environmental regulations. It is responsible for a wide range of environmental protection activities, including regulating air and water pollution, hazardous waste management, and the use of pesticides and other chemicals. The EPA works to protect the environment and human health through a variety of programs and initiatives, including setting and enforcing environmental regulations, providing grants and funding to states and local governments, and partnering with other organizations and stakeholders to promote environmental sustainability.

How do I use these standards and certs for my business? 

It doesn't matter which port, though, for China, try to ensure your Manufacturer meets the standards enforced by the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of the People's Republic of China; consumers and businesses can look for products certified by the MEP or other recognized certification bodies. 

For example, the MEP operates several voluntary certification programs, such as the China Environmental Labelling Program, which certifies products that meet specific environmental performance standards.

In the United States, consumers and businesses can look for products that are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or other recognized certification bodies. The EPA operates many certification programs, such as the Energy Star program, which certifies products that meet specific energy efficiency standards, and the WaterSense program, which certifies products that use water efficiently.

If this is sounding like either your up for the fight or need a helping hand please leave your details and one of our product stewards will be in touch shortly.


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